where unpleasant words go when they die



been awhile.
board exams.
working on a few more posts(coming up after a week~math exam~)

onto more important things,
change is everywhere.
and god has a dastardly sense of humour.

turned 18.
didn't really feel anything.(contrary to public belief)

leaving the country thats been home for eight long years.
isnt as big a relief as some may think.
whats better,my neighbourhood is due to be leveled in a couple of years.
its like someone's trying to erase the "wali was here" stamp. 

effin' hell.

atleast 3 a.m. still feels the same everywhere.
or is it?
i'd like to believe 'tis so.

serene in its sleepyness,slowly stirring into morn.
slowly rises the sun,felling night with its scorn.

well,goodbye my love,and fare thee well.



  1. fuck bitch, these lines are awesome!
    "serene in its sleepyness,slowly stirring into morn.
    slowly rises the sun,felling night with its scorn."

  2. Dude. I really enjoyed this man. Very simplistically beautiful.
    And that wali was here bit was a good bit.

  3. That was awesome.

    And yeah, even i dint feel anything when i turned 18.

  4. danke,guys.
    the night is a wunderful,wunderful friend.

    "wali was here" was first thought up by my bro,so credit to him.
    dunno why hes ceased blogging.

    on turning 18,maybe ive grown up enough not to go wild at the thought of being a year older.
    on second thought,hell no.
    kids have it easy.
    (MUST READ:Ramblings on the Beach-Kabir Bedi)


